Final Thank Yous
As my high school career dims, my heart beams with gratitude for the mentors that have shaped my soul and mind into its ever-growing form. As a final "Thank You," I created personalized canvases for each mentor that has left a defining, permanent marking on me. These canvases, joyous and nostalgic in both color and content, captures some of my favorite high school memories. Cheers to the end of high school! I'm thrilled to see these fun canvases tell the story of such an important fold of my life.
You Raise Me Up
To Mr. Thompson - Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice
To Coach P - Head Coach of Bishop's Girls Basketball
Be Big. Be Bold. Be Brave. Be Yourself. 
To Coach James - Figure Skating Coach
To Ms. Wepsic - Art Teacher
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